
2021-08-11 14:51:35 admin 486

2021年7月29日,日本领事馆领事兼医务官Dr. Tsuneoka 和助理莅临安联妇婴医院参观交流。副院长沈虹和国际部团队共同接待了这次到访。

On July 29th, Dr. Tsuneoka, Consul & Medical Attache from Conaulate-General of Japan in Shenyang, together with his assistant visited Shenyang Roicare Hospital & Clinics. Vice president of Roicare Hospital Ms. Summer Shen and the international team escorted the visit. 


通过介绍,Dr. Tsuneoka了解到安联医生的国际背景:李辉院长是M.D. & Ph.D,瑞典妇产科医学博士;宋薇薇院长和韩宁副院长均为M.D. & Ph.D,曾在美国学习和工作;俞志凌副院长是在日本获得了儿科医学博士学位;解丽梅副院长在美国学习并获得超声诊断博士后学位等。

Through the introduction, Dr. Tsuneoka got to know Roicare's international background doctors: Dr.Hui Li, M.D. & Ph.D., Degree of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Sweden; Dr. Weiwei Song and Dr. Michael Han are both M.D. & Ph.D., studied and worked in the United States; Dr. Zhiling Yu obtained his MD in pediatrics in Japan; Dr. Limei Xie studied in the United States and obtained her postdoctoral degree in ultrasound diagnosis, etc.



As one of the first foreign-related designated hospital in Shenyang, Roicare was approved by the provincial health commission to set up a Prenatal Diagnosis Center in 2018, which is the first among the non-public medical institutions in China, and its prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling technology capacity is at the leading level in the province.


Dr. Tsuneoka 一行也参观了安联的产科门诊、妇科门诊、超声中心、营养门诊、泌乳门诊、自然分娩中心、情绪管控中心、儿童成长中心、新生儿NICU等等。

Dr. Tsuneoka also visited Roicare Obstetric Outpatient Department, Gynecological Outpatient Department, Ultrasound Center, Nutrition Clinic, Lactation Clinic, Natural Delivery Center, Emotion Control & Management Center, Child Growth Center, NICU, etc.


最后,双方进行了友好的座谈交流。李辉院长用流利的英文向Dr. Tsuneoka更详细的介绍了安联医院。第二天,Dr. Tsuneoka给李辉院长发来一封感谢信,信中说道,“十分整洁”、“井然有序”、"人们在这里很开心”,给予了安联极大的肯定与赞誉。

Finally, President Hui Li met with Dr. Tsuneoka and introduced Roicare hospital with more detail. The next day, Dr. tsuneoka sent a thank-you letter to President Hui Li with highly praised. 



It is a great honor to be recognized by medical professionals and international experts. Roicare will continue to move forward and bring international standard high-quality medical services to more people.




Roicare has become the preferred hospital for delivery and medical treatment of many foreign clients in Shenyang with its concepts of health, international service and professional medical technology. 

To date, Roicare has provided high-quality delivery services for mothers from more than 30 countries across the world, with dozens of international Roicare babies who have been successfully born. Our patient families will enjoy one-on-one personal care with multi-lingual nurses throughout the entire visit. 

